Licenses and certificates
Our products are not subject to mandatory certification, but we have voluntarily tested our products for compliance with the requirements in accredited laboratories and received the documents presented below. This means you can be sure that the roof will not leak throughout its entire service life.
Certificate of conformity
The certificate confirms the compliance of the product with the standards of STO 22.29.29-001-36683078-2019. Accordingly, the document makes it possible to present a product in the market indicating its safety and consumer properties. Issued on the basis of product research, test report No. 050-04/12-B dated 4/10/2019. An assessment of the properties, compliance with the declared parameters were carried out. The progress and results of the tests are reflected in the protocol attached to the main document.
Certificate of conformityTest report to the certificate of conformity
The test report to the certificate confirms the tests for compliance with the requirements of STO 22.29.29-001-36683078-2019 and serves as an evidence base. The test was conducted by the VELES testing laboratory, which concluded that the products complied with the requirements of STO 22.29.29-001-36683078-2019.
Test report to the certificate of conformityRejection letter
Our products are not subject to mandatory certification. This is supported by an appropriate document from the accredited certification body Pozhtekh LLC. Its availability gives the manufacturer the grounds for not getting the certification procedure and sell the product without a conclusion. But we checked our products on a voluntary basis, and they fully comply with the requirements of STO 22.29.29-001-36683078-2019.
Rejection letterSanitary and epidemiological expert review
The testing laboratory of POLIMERTEST LLC has tested our products for compliance with the Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements. According to the results, no deviations were found, which is confirmed by this expert review. It is a guarantee of product safety and confirms the compliance of its characteristics with the declared qualities.
Sanitary and epidemiological expert reviewTest protocol to sanitary and epidemiological expert review
This test report in accordance with the Unified SanEiG requirements shows under what conditions the product was checked, the results of this check. In accordance with it, an expert review was issued. This report reflects information about the methods used for research, information about the object itself, its reactions to certain actions.
Test protocol to sanitary and epidemiological expert review